We had a Car show today at the “Forget Me Not” Community Fair out on Inner Springer Loop at the SDA Church and Amazing Grace Acadamy. There were not many of us there as this show clashed with the Colony Days Show I know, but we had committed to this show back in March before we found out that Colony Days was switching to Sunday, and they had already done advertising that the 49th State Street Rudders would be having a car show at their event so we didn’t feel it would be fair to cancel. Even though it was WINDY, and the sun came and went those of us who were there had a good time as usual, and we obtained 2 new members to the club. 3rd Place People’s Choice was a 1969 Chevy Nova, 2nd Place People’s Choice was a 1969 El Camino and 1st Place People’s Choice was a 1965 El Camino. It was a blue sweep since all three vehicles were blue.