These are the minutes from the February Meeting. I have removed peoples last names form this post..
Meeting was called to order at 1:07pm.
A roster was sent around and there were 24 people at the meeting.
Officers Reports
Eileen gave an update report on 2022
20 car shows last year. 11 49th Street Rodders Shows and 9 other.
473 vehicles participated in our 11 shows. Both members and non-members.
We didn’t have a Menards Show in 2022 they didn’t want to deal with us.
MTA show we had 45 cars entered and 1,100 visitors.
Only show of ours rained throughout was the State Fair.
Had 63 members renew their membership and 16 new members.
We had Dash Plaques and Posters this year again.
O’Reilly was our sponsor again.
We had a Christmas Party for the first time in 2 years at Glenn Roberts place.
Eileen gave an update report on what is going on so far for 2023.
Sent the request to O’Reilly for sponsorship and were approved.
Filed for Grant from the City of Palmer for use of the ice rink for the MTA Show.
Turned in and were approved all permits for Hot Summer Nights in Palmer.
Working on schedule for show summer of 2023.
Treasures Report
Profit and Loss statement for 2022.
Taxes are done and filed for 2022.
Election of Officers for positions vacant.
President- Due to John death Don has stepped up from VP and filled in as President.
Rick nominated Don for President and Carl seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
Vice President- Since Don has officially moved up to President that position is vacant.
Dani nominated Carl for VP and Karl seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
Treasure- Due to Chuck moving to Tennessee this position is vacant. Don nominated Jane for Treasure and Brenda seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
We have added a position of Officer-at-Large. This position will help the President and VP filling in at the shows if either of them cannot be there. They can also help our Sargent-at-Arms.
Carl nominated Dani for the position and Don Wright seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
We will be adding these new officers to the Bank and I will add them to the State Records as New Officers and Directors. Plus Brenda as another Director.
Michael said everything is running well on the website. Members mentioned that they want us to add a few pages to the website. A memorial page for members who have passed, an Our Rides page to show off our cars and a Swap Meet Corner page where we can advertise extra car parts we have around and seek out parts we are in need of. Michael is going to work on that. Michael said he can put a place to pre-register for car shows on the web site too.
We received a letter from Alpine Historical Society thanking us for our contribution last year. A motion was made that we give $100.00 again this year to them. Members voted to do that.
A letter was read from a non-member who suggested we start charging a small fee for our car shows but it was not a popular idea. He also suggested that we have more and different classes for our shows. It was discussed and also not very popular. We would need to set up a group of Judges if we have a lot of categories because there would not be enough time to count all the ballots if the public judged. If it is not broken don’t fix it was said so this topic was tabled for a future date.
Jack suggested we have designated parking areas in our shows for current members. i.e. choice parking for members only. This would be a perk for members. He suggested when a member pays their dues they get a car club sticker with the year on it and we stanchion off an area where members park with a sign Members Parking. Members liked this idea. Eileen is going to look into the sticker.
Helpers needed for shows. Dianne and Raelyn said they would be willing to help at the shows and with some of the secretaries duties. Raelyn said she would take over the making of the remaining posters that need to be made this year. This is great news and will be much appreciated. We are still looking for people to volunteer to help with staging cars at the shows.
Members would like name tags given out at the shows so we know people’s names. Eileen will get some to offer at the shows.
It was mentioned that members would like to have a swap meet. Eileen is going to look into having one this summer at Alaska Raceway Park during the Klassic Kruz Car Show and what is all involved.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:39pm.